June 07, 2005

Eco, Umberto: Im Labyrinth der Vernunft, PP. 18 - 24

Eco writes „In Richtung einer Theorie der Kultur“ in the chapters of „Erkenntnistheorie und Semiotik“ about political borders and tries to define the field of research:
“Dies einmal vorausgesetzt, kann man die folgenden Bereiche der gegenwaertigen Forschungsarbeit – von den scheinbar „natuerlichen“ und „spontaneren“ Kommunikationsprozessen bis hin zu den komplexen „kulturellen“ Systemen – mit in das semiotische Feld einbeziehen.“ (Eco 1990: 18)
Eco names as fields of research: cinesics and proxemics, languages, visual comunication, systems of objects, structures of action, cultural codes, aesthetics and mass media and communication. Theories and analyses of mass communication would be valid for various genres, if the following conditions were given:
(I) A relatively homogenous industrial society, although in truth it is full of contradictions and differences.
(II) Channels of communication without borders, that reach numerous people in various social contexts.
(III) Productive groups, who work and send messages in an industrial way.
If these three conditions were given, differences of media of communication (film, TV, print media and comics) would downlevel in comparison to common structures.

My critique is: I do not understand, why the field of mass media communication is centered to industrial productions areas / societies, only. I think alphabets, pictures and the like are media of mass communication, too. I think this rather centric view related to media should be fixed for my further studies in semiotics (relating to film studies and anthropology).

Eco, Umberto: Im Labyrinth der Vernunft, PP. 18 - 24
1990 Leipzig: Reclam

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005

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posted by Sybil Amber at 6/07/2005 01:06:00 PM


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